Membership site now open: Sometimes I am just amazed at some of the costs here and the service that comes with them. Here is a 30 minute motorcycle repair that completely disassembled the front forks of a motorcycle to replace springs and fluid. Wait until you hear the cost!

EXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIP SITE NOW OPEN!! Retire abroad and live a champagne life on a beer budget in Southeast Asia. Old or young, it is the best place to retire on a budget. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are some of the best places to live on a fixed income. Real videos of costs of living in Southeast Asia. CHECK OUT ALL MY VIDEOS AT http://RetireCheap.Asia
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Does Your Budget Allow for Vehicle Repair Back Home?
Monday, December 26, 2011
JC -- Interview with Future RIPer (Retiree In Paradise) -- Costs, Food, Marriage and Culture
Membership site now open: An old friend looked me up and invited me to a party here in Chiang Mai. I hadn't heard from him for a long time. Let's catch up with him and get his take on marriage to a Thai, Thai culture, food and other interesting topics.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Training Your Ear to Understand a Thai-English Accent
Membership site now open: If you travel or live in Thailand or neighboring Southeast Asian countries you will face having to tune your ear to the accents applied to English words. In an effort to get your ear trained I will be interviewing Thai people so you have this opportunity to get a jump on this skill set. I hope it helps and gives you an understanding of the nuances of the language.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sneak Peek and launch on RetireCheap.Asia Membership Site!
Membership site now open: membership site is ready to be unveiled. It will constantly evolve to help give everybody who needs options to find a way to get more life for less money. These are turbulent times we are living in and I want to help solve some of the financial problems you are facing and also make life more fun and exciting. Note, the videos in the member area will not be able to be seen on Youtube and members will also have more direct contact with me. Check it out. I hope you find it useful and fun hanging out in a place with like-minded people. I hope to see you on the inside!! Here is the link to sign-up:
Yee Peng Lantern ceremony - Mae Jo, Thailand 2011
Membership site now open: The Thais love their festivals and holidays. One is of particular interest to me. This is one of the most beautiful sights that I have witnessed in my lifetime and try to attend every year if possible. It is the Yee Ping Lantern Festival. At this event thousands of people release paper lanterns called khom loi (Thai: โคมลอย, literally: "floating lanterns"). If you ever get the chance to see this up in Chiang Mai then do it. You will remember it forever. Just in case you missed it, here is a little taste of the event plus a peek into the festivities that go on during this night at the Wat (temple). Have a look.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Nov 2011 - How the Flooding is Affecting Northern Thailand
Membership site now open: Thanks for all your correspondence and concern over the recent floods and the televised news reports going out all over the world. Many of my viewers have inquired how we are affected in the North of Thailand and voiced their well wishes. So here is a video about how we are affected and some views about Thai people and this crisis. Thank you again for your concern and well wishes.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wacko Delays Launch of RetireCheap.Asia Membership Site
Membership site now open: It is great to have more personal freedom and more flexibility in how you can live your life. But as we all know, everything in life comes with a trade off. This applies here as well. You will never be able to predict what your neighbor will be like or what they may do. I apologize for the delay in the launch of the membership site but I have been hit by this scenario and would like your opinion. Watch and tell me what you would do in this situation.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Follow-up Interview with a Future RIPper (Retiree In Paradise
Membership site now open: A while back I interviewed Bruce. The title of the video is: Interview with JC - Why This Man Had to Come Back to Thailand
Now he has over a month under his belt getting a feel for what retirement would be like and the costs of hanging out and having a great life after retirement. Watch and see how he feels and being a RIPper!
Now he has over a month under his belt getting a feel for what retirement would be like and the costs of hanging out and having a great life after retirement. Watch and see how he feels and being a RIPper!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thai Food Thai Style -- Some Food Choices in Thailand
Membership site now open: Do you like Thai food? What's your favorite? Well, a lot of peoples' favorites back home are a little hard to find here in Thailand or are more expensive and maybe even not taste the same. Why is that? Check out your food choices.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Young Thai and Older Foreigner Relationships
Membership site now open: I hear a lot of stories of older foreigners falling in love with young Thais. And then when things don't work out they are devastated. The foreigners can't understand what happened because they think there was true love. So what was the actual dynamic going on? What do people who have tens of years difference in their age have in common?
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Something Nobody Should Do Without -- We Have It!
Membership site now open: As finances get tight and life gets harder we have to make decisions about what's important and start to prioritize things as to what we can do without. Well, there's one thing you should never have to do without. Come live here and you will never have to do without it or many other things! Here's something to think about.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
JC Interview Fears and Benefits of Traveling -- Part 2
Membership site now open: More thoughts on traveling and living in a new country. If somebody experiences new sights, sounds and completely different cultures, it opens up something and allows the traveler to understand themselves and their own culture even better. Coming over here, a traveler not only sees Asia, but also sees their own country through a different set of eyes. So what does it take to set your current life aside see what other options that might be available? What attitudes and beliefs might be helpful in setting up a new life abroad? Well, watch as I interview a friend and fellow traveler as to why he travels and his beliefs about experiencing different cultures. Maybe having these beliefs would help. Check it out.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
JC Interview -- Fears and Benefits of Traveling pt 1 Traveling and living in a new country might not be for everyone. But if somebody experiences new sights, sounds and completely different cultures, it opens up something and allows the traveler to understand themselves and their own culture even better. Coming over here, a traveler not only sees Asia, but also sees their own country through a different set of eyes. So what does it take to set your current life aside see what other options that might be available? What attitudes and beliefs might be helpful in setting up a new life abroad? Well, watch as I interview a friend and fellow traveler as to why he travels and his beliefs about experiencing different cultures. Maybe having these beliefs would help. Check it out.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thailand - Foreigner Buying a Used Motorcycle? Living on a small budget doesn't mean you have to be a recluse. Transportation is inexpensive. You can even own a great little motorcycle that will get you around town for less than a little more than $500. Normally I would let a Thai negotiate the price for me. But let's see just what a foreigner could buy one for themselves.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Important RetireCheap.Aisa Membership Site Information I know many of you viewers have wanted more detailed information and a way to have more contact with me. I must say you have been very patient. But finally I am happy to announce the membership site is only a few days out from being open to accept a limited number of likeminded people that want to create a close community where we can share information and communicate together. Also, some information I want to share may be a bit too sensitive for YouTube.
Watch the video and check out everything that will be inside the membership site. Remember, there's always an option! I hope to see you inside!
To be notified of the link to the community members area just enter your email to the right and get the free "10 Reasons to Pack UP and Move to Thailand" newsletter and the link will be sent to you in a few days, OR go to and fill out the survey there.
Watch the video and check out everything that will be inside the membership site. Remember, there's always an option! I hope to see you inside!
To be notified of the link to the community members area just enter your email to the right and get the free "10 Reasons to Pack UP and Move to Thailand" newsletter and the link will be sent to you in a few days, OR go to and fill out the survey there.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Travelling Around Thailand on a Budget by Air One of the many benefits of living in Southeast Asia is cheap travel. There is no reason to stay in when you can go and experience different places inexpensively. If you are thinking about retiring or just moving over to live cheaply, you need to experience different locales to get a taste for what they're like. If you have a very limited budget you can travel by bus or train. But with just a little more money you can travel by air. You will be surprised how cheap air travel is in and around Thailand. Check out these prices.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Difficulties of Thai language, Relationships and Doing Business I know that I have been a little slow getting more new videos up lately. I have been facing some technical challenges as you will see. So as a thank you for being patient, here is a video interview with a Thai girl I was going to add to the membership site but I will put it here instead. Enjoy and learn.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Can't Speak Thai? No Worries. Mai Bhen Rai If you can't speak Thai are you going to still be able to move over to Thailand where things are cheap and people are friendly? Sure you can. You just need a strategy to get by in case you need to communicate above your proficiency! Watch and I will show you how.
Friday, October 7, 2011
The Wisdom of Steve Jobs I was deeply saddened by the passing of one of the true visionaries of my generation. We all know how he changed our lives through his innovations. But what a lot of people don't know is just how wise this man was. Let me share with you a few tidbits of wisdom from Steve Jobs.
Quotes were taken from the 2005 Stanford commencement speech.
Quotes were taken from the 2005 Stanford commencement speech.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Tonal Thai Language Can Cause Some Embarrassments Imagine thinking you are calling somebody over but you are calling them a dog. Or instead of telling somebody they look beautiful, you tell them they are bad luck! Yikes! It happens all the time. Check it out.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
JC Comments on Marc Faber Interview on CNBC I get a lot of correspondence and try to reply to most of it. I received this link
in an email from my website from Les. Thanks Les. Anyway, I think you should watch and maybe pick up a few tidbits of wisdom. Here is my response to this video from another Thai resident.
in an email from my website from Les. Thanks Les. Anyway, I think you should watch and maybe pick up a few tidbits of wisdom. Here is my response to this video from another Thai resident.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Why This Man Had to Come Back to Thailand People who travel either end up loving the experience of different cultures which include the sounds, smells tastes and well, other things or they end up disliking the adventure aspect and want to go back and curl up in their comfort zone no matter how uncomfortable that zone has become. They like it because it is familiar. In this video I interview Bruce. He has a passion for Southeast Asia and will soon become what I call a RIPper (Retiree In Paradise). Find out why he loves it here and what his strategy is to make retiring in Thailand a reality.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
JC, Where Did the Honesty Go? Sometimes it hits me, the differences in the cultures between Southeast Asia and the West. Some of the values we should be taking for granted, we have lost. The society in the West has evolved into something that people have become accustomed to and don't even realize. What a refreshing feeling it is when it dawns on me that I don't live in a fear based society anymore. I live in a place where you can talk to strangers, and even trust that your unattended personal belongings won't be surrounded by hazmat! Check it out.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Upsides and Downsides to Living in a Smaller Thai City As foreigners living anywhere we want to have things around us that make us feel good. There are both tangible and intangible things that fall into this category. So what would be the upside and downside to living in a smaller Thai city? Watch and find out.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
RetireCheap.Asia is Ranked by Google as a PR5! THANKS!
Thanks to my loyal viewers our website has now been ranked a PR5 by Google after only 8 months. This means we can get some site sponsors and I can go out and make even better videos. Check out the video and see what you've done by spreading the word about the site. Thanks again. If you have a product or service that you feel helps our viewers "Get More Life for Less Money" and would like to purchase a link on our home page then go to for more information.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Pattaya- Walking Street Prices of Drinks and Talking to Strangers Some viewers think that cheap prices can only be found off the beaten path. That's not true. Check out a few of the prices of beer and liquors on the World Famous Walking Street in Pattaya. OH. And is it OK to go up and talk to complete strangers in Thailand? Check it out and see.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Larry Crowne (Tom Hanks movie) in Thailand Many people around the world are facing challenges they have never dealt with before in their lives. People's identities are being challenged in addition to their financial challenges. I just saw the movie Larry Crowne, yes we get first run movies, and it was great. It demonstrates that we shouldn't judge an event for what it appears to be on the surface. Who knows, just like Tom in the movie, you might end up with a much better life. And it never would have happened if it wasn't for these so called "bad" events happening in your life. Hopefully I am helping in some way to see that "There's always an option" and sometimes those options are even better than the so-called great life of the past.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Twenty Dollar Hotel Oasis in Chiang Mai Whether you are living in Southeast Asia or just visiting you will notice that the amount of activity and noise of cities is hard to get away from. Well if you like your quiet garden, a beautiful swimming pool, great food, and a helpful and happy staff then this place is for you. Check out this hotel a short walk from the old city.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Fan Comes to Thailand -- His Thoughts About Retirement Here
A fan and potential "Ripper" (Retiree In Paradise) has come to visit here in Thailand. Listen as I interview him about his opinions about the Thai people, the best places he's visited and the cost of things like medical care here in Thailand.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Poll - 25% Americans Feel They Can't Ever Retire Another article that shows how bad the retirement situation has become and how people feel about their ability to stop working and enjoy their "Golden Years". I can't even imagine a world where people never get the chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor and have to struggle to survive until they die. I won't let that happen. Remember, "There's always an option". And I will help show you it.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Work Until You're 70 yrs Old -- No Way! I read this San Francisco Chronicle article dated August 17th and I thought, "You've got to be joking!" What happened to the "Golden Years"? Things have gotten so bad that people are feeling that there are no other options but to continue working. Well, I've got news for you. As I say, "There's always an option!" I won't let this happen to people. Watch the video and you'll see how I feel about this San Francisco Chronicle article.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Forget Starbucks-80¢ Iced Mocha Coffee Thailand We love our coffee. Finding a great tasting coffee at a good price is easy in Thailand. Thailand actually has a pretty substantial coffee industry. And it's cheap compared to back home. The normal price for a fresh ground cup of coffee is about $1.00 (30 Baht), but I found this place in Chiang Mai where you can get a specialty coffee for only 80¢. What a deal. So even if you are on a tight budget you can enjoy a great tasting, cheap coffee. Check it out.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Mutually Beneficial Personal Relationships in Thailand You wouldn't believe how many people have pre-conceived ideas about the relationships foreigners have with the Southeast Asian people. Some people are under the misconception that all friendships include intimacy. Some do, some don't. But it is well documented that touch is not an option in life but a necessity. And being alone isn't a human being's natural tendency. Companionship is a natural desire. Look at this website It operates a dating service for consenting adults to meet each other online and boasts over 350,000 members from all over the world. That's a lot of lonely people all paying or being paid for companionship. Some of these people get between $2,000 and $20,000 A MONTH. YIKES!
In Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries people are naturally very social. Helping out a person who needs something, whether the need is tangible or intangible, is a way of life. Helping somebody and their family is a way of showing you care. Some, not all, might reciprocate financial generosity with companionship. Because Thais are mostly kind and happy people, the giver receives a gift as well in the form of kindness and attention, something unfortunately lacking in some Western countries. And because the average monthly wage in a city is about $200 to $300 US dollars, giving a gift of this amount helps a family in a village tremendously. This type of relationship is mutually beneficial where both assets, kindness and money, are exchanged willingly. By the way, this doesn't last long if both parties aren't enjoying each others company.
Anyway, this is one of the many benefits of living in this part of the world, where you get "more life for less money"! Check out the video.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Cost of Fresh Food in Thailand -- Do you like to cook? I have a lot of requests for what the prices are for fresh foods in Thailand. Let's take a long tour through the fresh market. This is a typical market with typical prices. If you go to a large chain supermarket you could end up paying a quite a bit more than these prices. I feel I covered just about everything you might want to cook with. Sorry it's such a long video but I thought instead of making short edits in the video, I would give you the full market experience just in case you find your self living over here now you know the feeling of really shopping in the market.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cost of Motorcycle Repair and a great coffee! -- We know that once we retire or move that our income is fixed for the most part. So our budget has to go as far as possible. At this point it becomes how much money we spend, not how much money we make. There will be times when repairs need to be made to any mechanical device. This includes our transportation. I usually ride a Honda motorcycle. Today I decided to drop by the mechanic because the choke cable was stuck and while I was there I had the guy check my disc brake pads with were toast. So I went across the street and got a fresh ground coffee (I'll add her shop location to while I waited the whole fifteen minutes. Yikes! Check out the bill.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Urgent YouTube Viewer Request for Upcoming Live Retire Cheap TV Airing Time - I am excited to announce that soon we will be launching a free, weekly, one-hour live, online TV show with live chat capability to give you the chance to have some of your questions answered. I need your help. Please leave a comment as to what would be the best on air time. If you could, give me the time in EST (Eastern Standard Time) when it would be most convenient for you to be able to watch and participate. I look forward to seeing your opinions.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Budget, Clean, Friendly and Convenient Guest House in Pattaya When visiting Pattaya sometimes it's hard to find a good, clean guest house. They all get beat very quick due to the volume of people they move through. Some guests aren't the type that care about leaving the place as good as they found it either. Here is a place right off 2nd road near Tipp Plaza that I can recommend. I'd stay there again when I go back for sure. For more photos, info and a map, go to
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The Rainy Season in Thailand -- Southeast Asia If you are traveling to Southeast Asia between the dates of about April 15th to some time in October you will definitely encounter rain. Actually this is a great time to visit. Prices are cheaper and there are less people than in the high winter tourist season. Now, because it already is a hot, humid and semi-tropical or tropical environment you need to take steps to stay comfortable. This means staying dry and as cool as possible. Here is a video tip on hot to deal with rainy season in Southeast Asia.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Small Budget Rent $115 House - Chiang Mai Say you have a monthly income of only about $500 a month. You have in the calculations in our Retirement Budget Calculator on our website that gives you about 5000 Baht to spend every month on rent. But if you could get a place to stay for only $115 a month then you are ahead of the game and have more money to spend on other things. Hmmm..... can you think of anything?! Anyway, check out this little house and compare it to something back hoe for that amount. Opps, forgot, you can't!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Best Bus Trip Option from Chiang Mai - Bangkok Traveling in Southeast Asia is cheap. But sometimes you sacrifice a little comfort and sometimes you sacrifice A LOT of comfort. But if you are traveling between Chiang Mai and Bangkok or back you have the choice of using a company called Nakhonchai Air. They have a 24 seat bus that is like traveling in Business Class seats in an airplane. Great service, entertainment and I even got a good meal. All for 800 baht. Check it out.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Pattaya - The Affordable Morning Ritual - Breakfast Some people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That may be true, but not for the nutritional aspects of the meal. But because as a morning ritual, having our coffee and maybe some eggs and toast makes us feel more comfortable and starts our day with the usual morning certainty. You don't have to give that up if you move to Thailand. Usually any food that Thais don't eat costs a bit more than a typical Thai dish. If you look around though, you can find good prices on your first meal of the day. Here is a place you can start your day at in Pattaya and eat a good breakfast at a bargain price.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Pattaya, Thailand -- Great Seafood, Affordable Prices Coming from the Gulf Coast of the US, I have to say I love my seafood. One of the benefits of Southeast Asia is the cost of eating seafood. Here in Jomtien, Thailand there is a seafood restaurant literally "at the end of the road". It is great food at a very reasonable price. Check out what we ate and how much it cost.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Thailand Health Insurance Premium Cost Should you pickup health insurance when you move to Thailand or just keep your policy from back home? I get this question a lot. What are the premium costs and the coverage? Well, in this video I will give you the basic price of a health insurance policy premium cost and the coverage it provides here in Thailand.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thai Massage Types and Prices Thai massage is one of the benefits of living in Thailand. It is healthy and relaxing, most of the time. Thai massage has become very commercial. Now there are many types of massage in Thailand and what you receive will directly depend on how much you are paying. Check out the different types of massage you will find in Thailand and how much you will pay.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Cost Executive Style Home Sale, Rent Pattaya
Have a large retirement budget and want to live in a luxurious executive style home? Some people move to Thailand just because of the lifestyle. They won't scrimp on their living conditions but they want the ability to play golf everyday and have beautiful companionship and eat at what is considered to be fancy restaurants but pay a fraction of the cost of what they would spend back home. If that is you or you just want to fantasize a bit, take a look at this home. Very comfortable and spacious.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dealing With the Heat in Thailand I get a lot of questions regarding different topics for my videos. I thought I would address coping with the heat in Thailand because it is a health issue for some people and I think that's important enough to warrant a separate video.
Here are some tips to staying cool while living or traveling in Thailand. Check them out.
Here are some tips to staying cool while living or traveling in Thailand. Check them out.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A RetireCheapJC Apology and Some Exciting News!
I just want to apologize for the delay in getting out some new videos. I have been working diligently on something that I think brings a lot of value to both my regular viewers and also for people thinking about moving or retiring in Southeast Asia or specifically Thailand. Check out the news by watching the video.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Dangers, Inconveniences, Traveling in Thailand Elections - Holidays
Things to be aware of if traveling in Thailand. During ANY holiday or election the transportation system reaches maximum capacity. It is nearly impossible to get a train or bus ticket unless purchased far in advance. During elections all Thai people must return to their home town district to cast their vote. And during holidays it is traditionally a time to return home to pay respects to their families.
On another note. If visiting or living in Thailand, BE CAREFUL if driving or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle. Many people don't make it back home. Watch and find out why.
On another note. If visiting or living in Thailand, BE CAREFUL if driving or riding as a passenger on a motorcycle. Many people don't make it back home. Watch and find out why.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Eating Healthy Probiotic Foods Thailand
One of the great things about living in Southeast Asia is the availability of some of the best probiotic foods that come from places this side of the world. Countries like Indonesia, Korea, Japan and Thailand have some great probiotic foods which are packed full of enzymes and beneficial bacteria for the GI tract and for better overall health. This helps to prevent or overcome ailments like Crohn's Disease, diverticulitis and chronic constipation.
Some of them though are an acquired taste. But once you get used to the taste you might find yourself trying to eat them everyday and as a result becoming healthier. Kefir, yogurt, tempeh, miso, kim chee and natto are some of these foods. It definitely takes some time to get used to kim chee, and natto. Also eating natto is kind of like the tea ceremony. There is a routine that takes place to make it palatable. Check it out.
Some of them though are an acquired taste. But once you get used to the taste you might find yourself trying to eat them everyday and as a result becoming healthier. Kefir, yogurt, tempeh, miso, kim chee and natto are some of these foods. It definitely takes some time to get used to kim chee, and natto. Also eating natto is kind of like the tea ceremony. There is a routine that takes place to make it palatable. Check it out.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Thai University Uniforms Sexiest in the World
Living in Thailand or other Southeast Asian countries have a lot of benefits. I had three criteria for where I wanted to re-locate when I decided to live abroad. But none of my three criteria took into consideration the beauty of the people. Many Thai women are stunning and if you live around universities you are also graced with the beauty of the students. An online poll recently voted Thai university uniforms as the most sexy in the world. I agree! Every day I thank my creator for the beauty of the world and this includes the women of Thailand. Take a look and see if you agree.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Chiang Mai - Cost of Greens Fees - Golf
Maybe you have watched the boys of golf video but here in Thailand we have the girls of golf. Those pleasant ladies who caddie the Thai golf courses are always helpful and at ease even when I play my usual lame golf game. We have fun as they recommend a club and I put it back in the bag and go with a longer iron. After a few holes they know what club to recommend.
I get asked how much a round of golf is to play in Thailand so I set out to get an example of the course fees including a caddie (usually the caddie is mandatory).
We also have mobile phone applications like Golf Logix that have 127 courses mapped out using GPS to help as well. So let's get some prices, shall we?
I get asked how much a round of golf is to play in Thailand so I set out to get an example of the course fees including a caddie (usually the caddie is mandatory).
We also have mobile phone applications like Golf Logix that have 127 courses mapped out using GPS to help as well. So let's get some prices, shall we?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Chiang Mai Costs of Tooth Fillings, Colonoscopy
As human beings we need to have certainty in our lives. One of the most important places in our lives that we need to feel certainty is with our health. If you don't have the financial resources to get your primary health needs met you will not have that feeling of certainty. Taking care of your teeth or getting a colonoscopy as we get older aren't options, they are necessities. How much do these cost in Thailand? Here are some examples.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Thailand - Cheap Colonoscopy, Tooth Fillings Costs
As human beings we need to have certainty in our lives. One of the most important places in our lives that we need to feel certainty is with our health. If you don't have the financial resources to get your primary health needs met you will not have that feeling of certainty. Taking care of your teeth or getting a colonoscopy as we get older aren't options, they are necessities. How much do these cost in Thailand? Here are some examples.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Chiropractors in Thailand - Are they available?
The hardest things to find when living abroad are the items or services that the indigenous people don't use. And when you find them they are usually more expensive because of the perception that the foreigner has more money that the locals. This applies to things that I would consider items or services that we spend disposable income on.
One of these is chiropractic services. For me finding a good chiropractor has been difficult in Thailand. I know that there are probably many but I can't find them. Hopefully viewers will go put them on the site so we can all find them and support their services. The one I have gone to for about 8 years is in Pattaya. This is what I have to say about the chiropractic in Thailand.
One of these is chiropractic services. For me finding a good chiropractor has been difficult in Thailand. I know that there are probably many but I can't find them. Hopefully viewers will go put them on the site so we can all find them and support their services. The one I have gone to for about 8 years is in Pattaya. This is what I have to say about the chiropractic in Thailand.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Seth Godin -- Marketing techniques in Thailand
Which works better to have a successful business, do more and charge higher prices or, give more value than your competitor? Why? In Thailand there is a different mentality when it comes to marketing. In Pattaya for example, when low season comes the prices go up. Sometimes even bar fines (cost of taking a girl home with you) and beer prices rise. Seth Godin has a formula for success that Thailand could really use. What is it? Watch and see.
Racing is a Fun and Exciting Thing to Do in Thailand - Pattaya
Want something fun and exciting to do while living in Thailand? Because of the liability factor, back home we can't do anything that might hurt us because the business owners are afraid of the chance of getting sued for liability. But where people are supposed to take responsibility for their actions, you can do things that you can't do back home. Here's one of many examples.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
How to Open A Bank Account in Thailand
Many people ask me what is needed and how to go about opening a bank account in Thailand as a foreigner. Recently I was told you cannot open a Thai bank account without a work permit. So let's go into a Thai bank and ask them just what we need. Come along with me.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Thai Culture - Even Thai Girls Eat Bugs
What are you willing to eat? Up for something REALLY different? The Thais up in the mountains are still hunter gatherers and this cuisine filters on down into the cities. They eat lizards, worms, larvae and, yep, even roaches! You'd be amazed once you fry up something, just how delicious it can be, yeah right!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Pattaya - Looking for a Condo, house or Apt. Rental or Purchase Bargain?
It is difficult not to be overcharged when looking for something to buy or rent. Especially if going through conventional means. There are some great businesses set up to help people "digging in" to find what they need. But just like any service, they need to get paid. If you can dig up things yourself you can sometimes save a bundle. Especially now, with the economy the way it is, many people are getting rid of assets and liabilities.
There are deals coming up and with some cash you can capitalize on these bargains. One way to do this is to find local bulletin boards. Seller to buyer or owner to renter deals can be found on these and are very popular places to post things fro sale or rent. Here is one such place and some examples.
There are deals coming up and with some cash you can capitalize on these bargains. One way to do this is to find local bulletin boards. Seller to buyer or owner to renter deals can be found on these and are very popular places to post things fro sale or rent. Here is one such place and some examples.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Pattaya - Where Can You Find Some of Your Comfort Foods?
Let's face it. We all have certain things that make us feel... well, comfortable. Living abroad in someplace like Southeast Asia could mean giving some of these up. Depending on what country and city you choose to live in means the difference between having your familiar jams, cereals, candies or not. The food choices in Thailand and most larger cities is very extensive. Most of your comfort foods and semi-gourmet foods can be found but they are a little more expensive because they have to be imported. Here is an example. This is a store in Jomtien. They have a nice variety of foods from back home as well as a good wine selection. Take a look at what they have in stock.
Please if can link back to my website I'd appreciate it.
Please if can link back to my website I'd appreciate it.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Bogus Condo Sales in Thailand
It is a fact. Where there are lax laws protecting the consumer there will always be people preying on the vulnerable. You know the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is". But sometimes a deal just sounds like a good deal. That's what happened to me. I lost 1,500,000 Baht in a condo scam. And to top it off, other investors thought I was involved. See how all this happened so you can avoid this type of scam.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Are These Videos of Thai Prices Real? -- Response to Comments
I started to make these videos for because I read through blogs of people arguing whether or not somebody could live in Thailand on $500. Some retirees will be facing this challenge soon due to the financial loses of investment accounts and other depreciation of assets. Can you live like a king for $500? Not really. But you can live a very comfortable and fun life, especially if you compare how you could live back home for the same amount of money.
So I thought it would be a good idea to actually show real life examples of the costs in Southeast Asia. But even though I actually show videos, some people still don't believe it. So here is my response to a few negative comments.
By the way. I want to thank all the people who are supportive. I really appreciate the fact that you watch the videos and feel that there are options in how you can live.
So I thought it would be a good idea to actually show real life examples of the costs in Southeast Asia. But even though I actually show videos, some people still don't believe it. So here is my response to a few negative comments.
By the way. I want to thank all the people who are supportive. I really appreciate the fact that you watch the videos and feel that there are options in how you can live.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Thailand -- Why Would Anybody Live in Thailand?
Well there are a lot of reasons to live not only in Thailand but any foreign country. Yea, there are some challenges, but that goes for everywhere you go live. Even staying home has many challenges. Especially these days. So when I decided to live abroad I had three criteria that had to be fulfilled. Well actually four! But that fourth one will be in the membership area! So watch my three reasons for living in Thailand.
Please become a friend or subscribe to my YouTube channel and you if can link back to my website I'd appreciate it.
Please become a friend or subscribe to my YouTube channel and you if can link back to my website I'd appreciate it.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Pattaya - Condo for Rent for two hundred twenty-five Dollars
Condominium for Rent in Pattaya – On a budget you can still stay long term in Thailand even in a city considered as one of the entertainment capitals of the world. This complex has many amenities and is within walking distance of everything Pattaya has to offer. Which is a lot! Want to see more videos about cheap living in Thailand or another Southeast Asian country? Check out
For more detailed information about this condo including a map, go to
Pattaya - Condo for Rent for two hundred twenty-five Dollars
Condominium for Rent in Pattaya – On a budget you can still stay long term in Thailand even in a city considered as one of the entertainment capitals of the world. This complex has many amenities and is within walking distance of everything Pattaya has to offer. Which is a lot! Want to see more videos about cheap living in Thailand or another Southeast Asian country? Check out
For more detailed information about this condo including a map, go to
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Back From Traveling with Some New Videos
Hey, Sorry for the delay in posting. I am now back and ready to start giving you some more new videos of room costs, housing costs, food costs and other things from a popular beach location. I hope you like them.
Remember, there's always an option!
Remember, there's always an option!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Brand New House for Less Than $50,000 - Chiang Mai
It is amazing the homes you can buy in Thailand and how much they cost. A masonry 2 Story 2 bedroom 2 Bathroom house can be bought for less than $50,000 Dollars and all you will need to do is add furniture and appliances. And we won’t even talk about how low taxes and insurance are. Many people now are opting in for selling their current homes even at a devalued price and purchasing a newly built home in Southeast Asia. For some people they are even buying a bigger home than they had before and pocketing the difference. Sometimes just the money left over from the sale of their home can last them for years living in places like Chiang Mai, Thailand. Check out the video and I think you will be amazed.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How to Trade Your Mortgage for a Free and Clear House
Are you, or somebody you know, caught in the real estate meltdown? Is the mortgage now more than the value of your home? Do you still have some equity but few options of how to right the sinking ship?
Imagine for a moment that the value of your house or property, if sold, could be converted into the purchase of a brand new home that was paid for free and clear. And the taxes and insurance were one tenth the cost of what you are paying now.
Is this a dream? No, this is what is possible with a little flexibility on your part. How could this be?
Early Retirement – When, How, and Where to Enjoy Your Early Retirement.
In my travels I ask the question to the fifty something age group; “If you could do anything you wanted to do everyday, what would you do?” The answers vary but they all are similar in nature. Wake up and go to the gym, meet my friends for breakfast and go golfing, tennis or something. Chill out in the afternoons with my favorite lady or guy. And learn something that they always wanted to learn. So why don’t they live this way now?
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Chiang Mai -635 Sq. Ft Apt. Overlooking Mountains $275
I get a lot of requests for more accommodations so here is another one. This is a larger room which is more comfortable while staying in Thailand for a longer period of time. This apartment building overlooks the mountains of Chiang Mai. It is about ten minutes from the old city, not far from Chiang Mai University. The price of $275 if the room is prepaid for 12 months. Month by month it would be $315 a month. I asked the management to add it to and I will make sure it is on the map there.
Chiang Mai,
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thailand Travel Advisory – Anybody going to Thailand should be prepared.
I have lived in Thailand for over ten years now and have seen all the good and bad of traveling to Thailand. Many people had a great time and will return again. But many just aren’t prepared. Some Thailand travel safety tips and advice along wit a little preparation would have made their trip what it deserved to be. The video shows some examples.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
As an American Expat I Grieve For Tsunami Victims
When the tsunami came through Thailand I luckily hadn’t yet moved into the beach apartment in Phuket that I had put a deposit on. Thank goodness because it was totally destroyed and I would have been asleep when it rolled through. But having lived through this tragedy and witnessed the grief and heartache all expats living in Thailand know what lies ahead for these brave people. It is easy to say that all things in nature go through a cycle of breakdown and rebirth but this is exactly what needs to be focused on during times like these. Learn, move forward and rebuild. Rebuild the lives that have been touched by this disaster. All our prayers and love go out to those in need.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
My Girlfriend's Not A Dog......
People are saying , "JC, you are a dog. Living the good life in one of the best places to retire. Good food, cheap rent, cheap travel and beautiful women." I am not sure I agree .... about being a dog!
Just recently got divorced and now my friends are saying my new girlfriend's a dog too. I woke up today sitting across the table from her thinking, maybe they're right. Come on. Tell me what you think. Are they right?
Just recently got divorced and now my friends are saying my new girlfriend's a dog too. I woke up today sitting across the table from her thinking, maybe they're right. Come on. Tell me what you think. Are they right?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Thailand Visa Choices - Temporary Stay - Tourist Visa or Retirement Visa!
Keeping up on all the Thai visa regulations seems like a daunting task. Really it is easy if you understand and comply with the requirements. Because Thailand is one of the best places to retire, I try to simplify the information and tell you what choices of Thai visas are available and what documents you will need. I hope you find it helpful.
Basically there are three types you would come over on:
• Visa on Arrival - This actually is just temporary stay in the kingdom for either 15 or 30 days depending on how you arrive. By air you get a 30 day stamp but by landing crossing at a border you will only get 15 days. This is really not a true Thai visa. It cannot be renewed or extended.
• Tourist Visa - This is a 60 day visa that can be extended 30 days or changed to a Non Immigrant Visa.
• Non - Immigrant Type O Retirement visa. This is great for retirees who desire to retire to Thailand. Living in Thailand for any extended period of time would require this and it is good for one year. The one year retirement visa only requires a few things and is fast. You must though either have monthly income coming in or money in a Thai bank.
Watch the video and see the details of the Thai Visa Regulations and options. It should answer most questions.
On Arrival,
One year,
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thailand Invaded by Termites!
Termites, in Thai are called bploo-uk. Swarming occurs every year during the hot season (March to May). Come nightfall, the worker termites bore holes in the colony's outer walls and escape
During a swarm, termites fill the sky. They swarm around candles, motorcycle headlights, roadside lamps, ceiling fluorescents.
To jinjos (small, cute lizards) and too-kays (big, ugly lizards), the swarming amounts to an all-you-can-eat buffet.
The termites don’t bite or sting and Thais find the swarms very nourishing: the second most eaten insect in the world, termites can be fried without oil over low heat with a dash of salt….Yummy!!
To catch termites, Thais simply turn off the lights except one. Under this, they place a tub of water. For some reason, the termites are drawn to the water and drown in it. How about you? Are you hungry?Relax, Swim, Go Fishing and Eat - The Whole Day $3.00!
So Thailand is one of the best places to retire but who wants to stay inside all the time? Southeast Asia is so cheap to live that you can do a lot of recreational activities that are cheap and fun. Outside the cities there are lakes, springs, mountains and villages that are fun to explore and spend the day at. About 7 miles outside Chiang Mai there is a lake called Lake Huay Tung Tow. Here you can relax away the day with a good book or good friends and it doesn’t cost an arm and leg! Check it out.
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