Friday, August 19, 2011

Mutually Beneficial Personal Relationships in Thailand You wouldn't believe how many people have pre-conceived ideas about the relationships foreigners have with the Southeast Asian people. Some people are under the misconception that all friendships include intimacy. Some do, some don't. But it is well documented that touch is not an option in life but a necessity. And being alone isn't a human being's natural tendency. Companionship is a natural desire. Look at this website It operates a dating service for consenting adults to meet each other online and boasts over 350,000 members from all over the world. That's a lot of lonely people all paying or being paid for companionship. Some of these people get between $2,000 and $20,000 A MONTH. YIKES!
In Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries people are naturally very social. Helping out a person who needs something, whether the need is tangible or intangible, is a way of life. Helping somebody and their family is a way of showing you care. Some, not all, might reciprocate financial generosity with companionship. Because Thais are mostly kind and happy people, the giver receives a gift as well in the form of kindness and attention, something unfortunately lacking in some Western countries. And because the average monthly wage in a city is about $200 to $300 US dollars, giving a gift of this amount helps a family in a village tremendously. This type of relationship is mutually beneficial where both assets, kindness and money, are exchanged willingly. By the way, this doesn't last long if both parties aren't enjoying each others company.
Anyway, this is one of the many benefits of living in this part of the world, where you get "more life for less money"! Check out the video.

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